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Ambassador Deng Xijun Pays a Field Visit to the China-aid Jumhoriat Hospital
2013-10-09 17:14

On October 7th, at the invitation of the Minister of Public Health Dr. Suraya Dalil, H.E. Mr. Deng Xijun, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, paid a field visit to the China-aid Jumhoriat Hospital. During the visit, Ambassador Deng exchanged extensive views with Dr. Suraya on reopening the Hospital at an early date.

Dr. Surya extended sincere thanks to the great amount of Chinese donation to Afghanistan all along. She said, the China-aid Jumhoriat Hospital, as the leading comprehensive Hospital across the country, served as a true testimony of the deep friendship of the two nations and their people. However, due to the lack operating fund and experienced personnel, the Hospital has been regretfully leaving unused since the handing over. This March, the Cabinet Council decided to reopen the Hospital with the aim to make it the most advanced demonstrative hospital all over the nation. Currently, the arrangement of moving in had been carried out step by step by the Ministry of Public Health and the Inauguration was planned to be held during the mid-January.

Ambassador Deng said, as the neighboring countries, China and Afghanistan shared a traditional friendship for generations. In this September, President Hamid Karzai paid a state visit to China. The leaders of the two countries not only exchanged views on developing and enhancing the China-Afghanistan Strategic and Cooperative Partnership extensively, but also witnessed the signing of the <Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation Between the Government of People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan>. China committed to enhance the donation to Afghanistan continuously in the coming years, especially within the people’s livelihood area, such as the public health sector. The Chinese side hoped to work with the Afghan side closely to the reopening of the Hospital so that it would benefit the common majority of Afghanistan as early as possible.

After the meeting, Ambassador Deng inspected the premises of the Hospital accompanied by Dr. Suraya.

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